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You're Not Alone

Deciding ranks as 鶹’s most popular “major.” About 1:5 students enter with this same exploratory and growth mindset — and most stay on track to graduate in four years.


Find Your Fit

You will join other deciding students for College Compass, a semester-long immersion course that puts you in control of next steps.


Make a Stronger Decision

The extra support you’ll receive as a deciding student means that when you’re ready, you will be more certain of your choices.

Fill the Digital Marketing Talent Gap

Available Majors at 鶹

JCU offers 70+ majors/minors/concentrations and fifth year options.

Deciding Students Profiles

Leah Pritchard '26 walked into her first weeks and months of college more relaxed in knowing that she could sharpen her academic and career focus without having to change her major. Declaring herself “deciding” gave her a bit of breathing room, and plenty of resources. "The (deciding student) program helped me find interests, but it also helped me find things I am not interested in as well," she says. "At first, this was a little defeating, but it allowed me to open new doors again and explore even further. It's comforting knowing I wouldn't have to change my major, just my focus." Pritchard chose education with a business marketing focus — positioning herself for careers in both traditional schooling, online education, as well as corporate training.

At first, Charlie Mitchell ‘26 cringed at the thought of someone innocently asking: “so, what’s your major?” His trepidation has turned to excitement though thanks to the emphasis placed on being "okay" to begin your college journey as an undecided student by those who designed John Carroll’s College Compass course. Mitchell praises the program design for creating a culture of acceptance and encouragement that inspires students to avoid closing doors and seeking their path.

Josephine Lawler ‘26 discovered early in her College Compass course (the foundation of John Carroll’s deciding student experience) that sifting through hundreds of major, minor, and concentration options is akin to ordering from an extensive restaurant menu. Step one — deciding what not to order — enables future choices. Lawler credits input from guest speakers, other deciding students and program advisors for helping her get clear on what majors were “totally not me” and which majors spoke to her passions and skills.

Caoilin Schaeffer remembers picking up a Sociology and Criminology designated lanyard on acceptance day at JCU so that she would have something to say when people asked her what she was studying. However, after seeing “undecided” as one of the major options to choose from at JCU, Caoilin felt a weight off her shoulders. The College Compass course has given Caoilin insights into different majors, and their specific course sequence, which gave her path of deciding more structure, and less uncertainty.

Studies show that great college outcomes grow from five high-impact experiences: 

  1. internships
  2. research
  3. service learning
  4. immersion trips
  5. student employment

Some 90% of JCU seniors complete two or more high-impact experiences. Nearly half of all JCU students enroll in service learning

1. Keybank
2. NBC News/Meet the Press
3. United Nations World Food Program
4. American Red Cross
5. Federal Bureau of Investigation
6. PriceWaterhouseCoopers
7. The White House
8. Goodyear
10. Progressive Insurance
11. United States Secret Service
12. NFL

  1. CFA Institute Research Challenge: National Finalist
  2. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE): Regional Winner
  3. Medical Capital Innovation Competition: Finalist
  4. Eastern Colleges (Neuroscience) Conference: First Place Research
  5. Deloitte FanTaxtic Case Competition: Third Place Nationals
  6. National University Model Arab League: Best Delegation Award
  7. Pi Kappa Delta National Championship Debate: First Place

Our promise to every student:

The future will not surprise you.  You will surprise the future. 

Whether you see your future self as a teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, marketer, chemist, law enforcement officer or engineer, we encourage you to connect STEM and human skills and to create a world of opportunity that serves the many, not just the few.

We're here to help

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No matter what stage you're at in the process, our admission team is here to answer any questions you may have.