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Short-Term Faculty-Led Program


  • Honduras/Belize: The Boler-Honduras/Belize Program is offering a trip to Honduras/Belize when you register for MK 362, Micro-Enterprise Development in Developing Countries, or IB 405, Special Topics in International Business. The next trip will take place in 2021. For more information contact: Kathy Schiffer, kschiffer@jcu.edu
  • Italian Studies Spring Break: Earn 3 credit hours with: IC263 Rome and the Word of Wonder, which fulfills the Humanities core requirement. This trip is to Rome, Italy during Spring Break 2021. While in Rome, you will study the literature, visual arts and the music of the Baroque period. For more information contact: Dr. Casciani, scasciani@jcu.edu or Dr. Ferri, lferri@jcu.edu.
  • Italian Studies Summer Institute: five-week session focused on Italian culture and language held May-June every year; contact Dr. Santa Casciani at scasciani@jcu.edu or Dr. Luigi Ferri at lferri@jcu.edu
  • London Summer: Study at Regent’s University London and take Business Ethics PL311, Comparative Health Policy PO337, or Bioethics PL316. The program runs from May to June. While in London, in addition to the course work a few excursions to Oxford, Bath, and Stonehenge. Contact Dr. Trew, atrew@jcu.com or Dr. Sobisch, sobisch@jcu.edu for more information.
  • Northern Ireland: Sign up for EN299, which includes a study tour to Northern Ireland! This trip will be in May. The tour is focused in Belfast, however other locations include: Achill Island, Derry, Dublin and Galway. Contact Dr. Metres, pmetres@jcu.edu for more information.
  • Vietnam: Dr. Nathan Gehlert will teach a study-abroad course for students in John Carroll’s departments of Counseling and Psychology. Drs. Tracy Masterson and Martina Moore will also travel to Vietnam and participate in the course. The course will fulfill the requirement for CG563 Diversity Issues, or may be taken as an elective in the Department of Counseling or Department of Psychology. This will run every year. Please contact Dr. Gehlert at ngehlert@jcu.edu for more information.
  • NYC and Washington D.C.: U.S. Financial and Regulatory Hubs: Visit major financial and regulatory hubs in the U.S., and meet with professionals, firms, regulators, and standard setters that play major roles in the accounting profession. This program runs in January each year before the start of spring semester, and typically includes stops in two major U.S. cities (e.g., New York City and Washington D.C.). This trip is intended for senior accounting majors, but others will be considered if space allows. For more information, contact Dr. Petzel (apetzel@jcu.edu) or Dr. Sheldon (msheldon@jcu.edu).Ìý

Spring Semester in alternate years:

  • Berlin: From Reich to Republic: spring break 2021 and in alternate years; contact Dr. Matt Berg at mberg@jcu.edu or Dr. Andreas Sobisch at sobisch@jcu.edu
  • Costa Rica: Sign up for Tropical Field Biology-BL406, which includes a 10 day study tour to the Costa Rican Rainforest! This program runs next during spring break 2021 and in alternate years thereafter. While in Costa Rica, you will learn about the biology of tropical rainforests and conduct field-based research. Contact Dr. Saporito at: rsaporito@jcu.edu for more information!
  • Dominican Republic: Study in the Dominican Republic –This program runs in May at the end of the Spring semester and earn core credit (HS 197). The study tour is set to run again in 2021 and in alternate years thereafter. Enjoy the beautiful island and people of the Dominican Republic and take part in service learning For more information contact Prof. Rodney Hessinger at rhessinger@jcu.edu.
  • Greece: Spring break 2021 and in alternate years; contact Dr. Kris Ehrhardt at kehrhardt@jcu.edu
  • India: Earn 3 credit hours while traveling to India over Spring Break. Immerse yourself in the fascinating country and culture of India over Spring Break 2020. This three-credit course is for undergraduate and graduates of any major. This program will run in the even years. For questions contact: Dr. Simran Kahai skahai@jcu.edu.
  • Italy – History: If you are one of the lucky ones to sign up for HS 305, Rome: City of Emperors, Popes, and Saints, you’ll be able to sit in a café on a piazza that has been a gathering place for saints, artists, and revolutionaries more than two millennia, and earn credit towards graduation at the same time. The major portion of the course will take place during spring break. You will see the Roman Forum, Colosseum, The Vatican, Sistine Chapel and much more. This program runs next during spring break 2020 and in alternate years thereafter. For more information, please contact Kellie Schwabl at kschwabl@jcu.edu or Dr. Murphy at pvmurphy@jcu.edu.
  • Japan: two-week tour in May-June, offered next in 2020; contact Prof. Keiko Nakano at knakano@jcu.edu
  • United Kingdom: Get your linked courses out of the way when you sign up for, Detective Fiction-EN 240, and Chemistry of Poisons- CH 170. While in the United Kingdom, you will see Alnwick Castle (the film site of Hogwarts and Downtown Abbey), Poison Garden, Baker Street, Moors and more! For more information contact Dr. Chrystal Bruce at cbruce@jcu.edu or Dr. John McBratney at jmcbratney@jcu.edu. This program runs next during spring break 2021 and in alternate years thereafter.