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Chemical Physics Concentration

If you intend to become a professional chemist, this concentration will provide the preparation necessary for direct entry into the chemistry profession, graduate study in chemistry, or further study in chemical engineering. Upon completion, you may obtain industrial, governmental, or academic chemical positions either at the B.S. level or after obtaining higher (M.S. or Ph.D.) degrees.

At JCU, you鈥檒l find access to internships, research and alumni connections needed to guide your career. Plus, you鈥檒l get firsthand research experience in our state-of-the-art Dolan Center for Science & Technology.


Pre-chemical engineering students should consult with their advisor early on to plan their program of study.

Requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a Chemical Physics Concentration (120 total credit hours): Click here to see the requirements.

This curriculum is for students graduating in 2019 or later.

Foundational Competencies (9-12 credit hours)

  • Written Expression: one or two courses, depending on placement
  • EN 1250, Seminar on Academic Writing (3 cr.) OR
  • EN 1200/1210, Developmental Writing (6 cr.)
  • Oral Expression: one course
  • COMM 1251, Speech Communication (3 cr.)
  • Quantitative Analysis: one course (3 cr.)

Language (0-9 credit hours)

  • Students must complete the 1030 level or equivalent in the language they continue from high school; those who place above this level (1030) are exempt from the requirement.
  • Students must complete a two-course sequence (1010-1020) if they begin a new language at JCU.

Integrated Courses * (15 credit hours)

  • Engaging the Global Community (1 course; 3 cr.)
  • Exploring the Natural World (2 linked courses; 6 cr.)
  • Examining Human Experience (2 linked courses; 6 cr.)

Jesuit Heritage (16 credit hours)

  • Philosophy: two courses (one from each of the following categories)
  • Knowledge & Reality (3 cr.) AND
  • Values & Society (3 cr.)
  • Theology & Religious Studies: two courses
  • TRS 101, Intro to Theology & Religious Studies (3 cr.) AND
  • An additional 200- or 300- level TRS course (3 cr.)
  • Issues in Social Justice: one course (3 cr.)
  • Creative and Performing Arts: one course (1+ cr.)

Core Requirements in the Major

  • Additional Writing Course
  • Additional Presentation Component
  • Capstone Experience


  • Foundational writing (EN 1250 or EN 1200/1210) is a prerequisite for all integrated courses
  • Foundational Quantitative Analysis is a prerequisite for Exploring the Natural World
  • Within the five integrated courses, students must include one science course (BL, CH, MT/CS, PH/EP, PS), one social science course (EC, PO, SC), and one humanities course (AH, CMLC/CL/IC, CO, EN, HS)

Course Name/Number

Credit Hours

General Chemistry I-II & Lab I-II (or Chemical Principles & Lab) - CH 1410, 1420, 1430, 1440 (or CH 1510, 1530)

10 (5)

Organic Chemistry I-II & Lab I-II - CH 2210, 2220, 2230, 2240


Analytical Chemistry & Lab - CH 2610, 2630


Physical Chemistry I - CH 3630


Physical Chemistry Lab I - CH 3670


Chemistry Seminar - CH 4780A, 4780B


Calculus and Analytic Geometry I-II - MT 1350, 1360


General Physics I-II/Lab I-II (or Physics I-II/Physics Workshops I-II) - PH 1250/1251, 1260/1261 (or PH 1510/1511, 1520/1521*)

8 (10)

Total Chemistry Core Hours



  • CH 3660 (Physical Chemistry II) may count as an upper-division elective by permission for all pathways except the Chemical Physics Concentration.
  • Chemical Physics聽concentrations must take the CH 3660 sequence and the PH 1510/1511, 1520/1521 sequence.

Course Name/Number

Credit Hours

Physical Chemistry II - CH 3660


Physical Chemistry Lab II - CH 3680


General Biochemistry - CH 4310


Instrumental Analysis - CH 4410


Instrumental Analysis Lab (CAP/OP/AP) - CH 4430


Inorganic Chemistry - CH 4810


Inorganic Chemistry Lab - CH 4820


Calculus and Analytic Geometry III - MT 2330


Mathematical Methods of Physics & Engineering - EP 2560


Modern Physics or Thermal Physics - PH 2540 or 3410*


At least 6 credits of upper-division CH electives, of which at least one is laboratory-based *


Total Chemical Physics Concentration Hours



  • Pre-chemical engineering students should take PH 2540
  • CH 399X (1-3 cr.) is strongly encouraged as the laboratory elective; three credits of CH 399X would fulfill one of the upper-division electives and enrollment and successful completion of CH 3994 will fulfill the Capstone (CAP), Additional Writing (AW), and Oral Presentation (OP) requirements of the Integrated Core Curriculum.
  • CH 4430 (and CH 4410) Instrumental Analysis Lab will fulfill the Capstone (CAP), Additional Writing (AW), and Oral Presentation (OP) requirements of the Integrated Core Curriculum.