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Course Information & Advising Resources

Resources available to help students plan a major or minor:

Process to declare a major or minor in GSW:

1) Fill out the online major or minor form here:

2) Set up an appointment with the Director, Medora Barnes, Ph.D., by following

3) Bring the printed major/minor declaration form and a list of the relevant classes you have taken to your meeting. Dr. Barnes’ office is located within the Sociology and Criminology department, AD 344.

Other helpful resources include:

Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Courses for Fall 2018:

  • ҷ-101-51Introduction to Gender Studies
  • ҷ-299Gender & Sexuality in Comics(ISJ)

Affiliated courses:

  • -116-51Biology, Race, and Gender(SCI)
  • CL 290 or HS-310Women in Ancient Greece & Rome(HUM)
  • -163Italian Women and Society(In Rome Program Only)(ISJ)
  • PL-385Philosophy & the Body(PLVS)
  • PL-388Philosophy of Love & Sex(PLVS)
  • PS-342Psychology of Prejudice(ISJ)
  • SC-320Sex and Gender
  • TRS 316The Rabbis on Sex and Gender

Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Courses for Spring 2018:

  • ҷ-101-51Introduction to Gender Studies
  • ҷ-299Women, Work and Occupations
  • GEND-410Internship and Seminar

Affiliated courses:

  • IC-299A-51Gazing Women: Paris to Florence(includes travel to Paris & Italy over Spring Break)
  • HS-397A-51Women & the Catholic Church
  • PL-330-51 and 330-52Feminist Philosophies
  • PL-385-51 and 385-52Philosophy & the Body
  • PO-316-51Social Movements
  • SC-225-51Sociology of the Family
  • TRS 364-51Christian Sexuality

**NOTE:Using John Carroll’s new course schedule listing on BannerWeb, there is an extra step to view all affiliated courses that will count toward the GSW program. You need to select all the departments/programs in the “Subject” box (easiest way to do this is by hitting “Control + A”). Then in the bottom “Attribute Type” box, select our attribute of “Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies” and hit “search.” This will allow you to see courses from all departments that carry the GSW attribute.


Past Semesters

Women’s & Gender Studies Course Offerings for Fall 2017:

  • GEND 101 Introduction to Gender Studies (ISJ)
  • GEND-299 Women of Africa: Literature & Film (ISJ)

Affiliated courses:

  • EN- 284Writing Women: Introduction to Women’s Literature
  • HS-197 Sptp: Women in Contemporary World(EHE linked with SC-115)
  • SC-115 Masculinities (EHE linked with HS-197)
  • HS-262 History of Sexuality
  • IC-163 Italian Women & Society
  • PPH-274 Peer Health Advocate Training
  • PS-342 Psychology of Prejudice
  • PS-476 Senior Sem: Psychology of Gender Based Violence
  • SC-320 Sex & Gender

Women’s & Gender Studies Course Offerings for Spring 2017:

  • GEND/WG 101-51 Intro to Women’s Studies
  • WG-299A Critical Feminist Inquiry
  • WG-299B Intro. to Queer Studies

Affiliated courses:

  • PL 330 Feminist Philosophies
  • SC-315 Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors
  • TRS 364 Christian Sexuality

101. INTRODUCTION TO GENDER STUDIES (3 cr.) Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of gender and sexuality studies its scholarship. Addresses issues such as sexism, homophobia, racism, bodies and sexuality, poverty, families, violence, and resistance. Students will gain the critical tools to analyze many gendered experiences in the US, such as political equity, violence, reproductive health, and representations in the media.

220. GENDER AND VIOLENCE 3 cr. Provides an interdisciplinary perspective on gender and violence as it is defined, experienced, resisted and challenged. Examines how gendered violence functions within socially constructed systems of power and privilege including but not limited to age, race, class, sexuality and nationality. Includes an analysis of the dynamics of violence within specific institutional sites of power such as the state (policing, law, policy, and military), religion, family and especially in university settings.

299. SPECIAL TOPICS (3 cr.) Selected topic in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies announced in advance. May be repeated with a different topic.

310 INTRO TO QUEER STUDIES 3 cr. Prerequisites: At least sophomore standing. An interdisciplinary introduction to queer studies, which explores the history of human sexuality, identity construction, and issues of power, inequality and resistance. Central theories studied within a Queer Theory framework include deconstruction of categories, and the performance of multiple and non-stable constructions of gender and sexuality. Historical and evolving views on gendered, intersexed, and transgender experiences will be examined. Other topics include how LGBTQI experiences are affected by time and place, and how sexual identities intersect with other aspects of identity, such as class, race, and gender.

400. CRITICAL FEMINIST INQUIRY 3 cr. Prerequisites: GEND 101, junior or senior standing. How is knowledge produced? This course explores research techniques commonly used to study issues related to gender and sexuality, and the politics of knowledge production. Topics include historical research, literature reviews, critical analysis, interviewing, using survey data, ethics and reducing power differences in research. Students will have the opportunity to choose an occupational field they would be interested in working in, and propose research on a related topic. This course helps students develop the skill set to successfully complete an independent study on the topic of their choosing.

410. INTERNSHIP AND SEMINAR 3 cr. Prerequisites: GEND 400, junior or senior standing, and permission of Program Director. Capstone experience involving an internship in a setting which aligns with the student’s interests, skills, or career goals. This may include internships in non-profit, social justice, legal, heath, human service, or research settings. A weekly seminar will also be held with ongoing reports, reflections, and analysis about their field experiences.

498. ADVANCED SUPERVISED STUDY (3 cr.) Supervised independent study on advanced topics. Prerequisites: GEND-101, junior or senior standing.

In addition to required courses and special topics courses run directly out of the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies program, courses in a range of other departments across JCU are also approved for inclusion in a GSW major or minor. Students should always check the website or, if unsure, talk to the Program Director.

Affiliated courses regularly offered across the university include:

  • CO 322 Women in Mass Media
  • CL 290 Women in Ancient Greece and Rome
  • EN 284 Writing Women: Introduction to Women’s Literature
  • EN 445 British Women Writers
  • EN 491 Feminist Literary Criticism
  • FR 320 Women in French Literature and Culture
  • HS 150 Women in U.S. History
  • HS 195 Special Topics: Sexuality in America
  • HS 205 Women in Ancient Greece and Rome
  • HS 197/259 Women in the Contemporary World
  • HS 310 Women in Europe since 1500
  • IC 163 Women in Italian Society through Literature and Film
  • IC 205 Food in Film and Culture: The Global Gendered Table
  • IC 299 SpTp: Gazing Women: From Florence to Paris
  • IC 370 Hispanic Women Writers
  • PL 290 Major Women Philosophers
  • PL 330 Feminist Philosophies
  • PL 385 Philosophy of the Body
  • PL 388 Philosophy of Love and Sex
  • PO 299 Special Topics: Feminist Political Theory
  • PO 316 Social Movements
  • PPH 274 Peer Health Advocate Training
  • PS 342 Psychology of Prejudice
  • PS 381 Eating Disorders
  • PS 476 Special Topic: Psychology of Gender-Based Violence
  • SC 115 Masculinities
  • SC 225 Sociology of the Family
  • SC 255 Prejudice and Discrimination
  • SC 275 Family Violence
  • SC 315 Sexuality and Sexual Behavior
  • SC 320 Sex and Gender
  • SC 303/SPS 303 Women, Gender Relations, and Sports
  • SP 399 Hispanic Women’s Film
  • TRS 364 Christian Sexuality

Be sure to be on the look out forSpecial Topics courses! Many special topics courses related to sex, gender, or sexuality can be counted toward the major/minor. Talk to the Program Director for details.

Links and Resources of Interest

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