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This page offers links to websites for finding teaching ideas and strategies generally and for thinking about how to teach well. Subpages, accessible under the “Teaching Resources” button on the left, or through the following links, contain more specific information on writing a syllabus, instructional design, engagement strategies, teaching technology, and online teaching.

Useful websites for teaching strategies include: David Gooblar’s collection of teaching strategies at (a subset of these can also be found on the Chronicle’s Vitae site, ).

Here are three recent brief pieces on teaching best practices which point towards the rich literature available:

Joshua Weyler, “Active Learning is Not Our Enemy” []

Dan Berrett, Chronicle of Higher Education; Andrew Joseph Pegoda, “,” Inside Higher Ed

And for lengthier, thought-provoking considerations of what it means to teach well and how to enact those practices in a course, see:

Ken Bain, What the Best College Teachers Do (Harvard, 2004) and his follow-on What the Best College Students Do (Harvard, 2012)

James Lang, On Course: A Week-By-Week Guide to Your First Semester of College Teaching (Harvard, 2008).