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Full and partial Summer Course Development Grants are available to tenured and tenure-track faculty to support the development of courses pertaining to Catholic Studies and to Jesuits (see details below). Full grants may be available for developing courses pertaining to diversity.

Application deadline is April 2, 2024.

Course Development: Catholic Studies

The Institute of Catholic Studies offers up to six full course development grants of $3,500 and six partial course development grants of $1,000 to full-time faculty with a proven track record of excellence in teaching who wish to create new courses or redesign current courses that meet the criteria for the Catholic Studies Program. The course must focus on the Catholic intellectual tradition and promote serious reflection on the Catholic tradition and its impact on the theories, perspectives, genres, or approaches within the specific discipline. The course should emphasize how Catholicism has informed or shaped the intellectual discourse in the discipline and the culture at large.

Proposals will be evaluated according to the criteria for Catholic Studies designation and the extent to which the Catholic intellectual tradition is an integral part of the course.

Recipients of the grant are permitted to teach one summer course.

Recipients will be required to submit a written report on the results of the grant including a completed syllabus, list of materials and bibliography. The report should be submitted to the Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs by October 1 following the award period. A copy of the report must also be submitted to the Director of the Institute of Catholic Studies.

Course Development: Jesuit

The Institute of Catholic Studies offers full course development grants of $3,500 and partial course development grants of $1,000 to to full-time faculty with a proven track record of excellence in teaching who wish to create and implement new courses or redesign current courses across disciplines that emphasize Jesuit contributions to the disciplines.

Recipients of the grant are permitted to teach one summer course.

Recipients will be required to submit a written report on the results of the grant including a completed syllabus, list of materials and bibliography. The report should be submitted to the Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs by October 1 following the award period. A copy of the report must also be submitted to the Director of the Institute of Catholic Studies.

Click here for forms.