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How do I Program My TiVo?

The following are programming instructions for TiVo units Series 3, TiVo HD DVR and Premier.

Please note:  Series 2 (single tuner) and TiVo Romio (all models) do not have clear QAM tuners and cannot be used with the school’s cable network.

Depending on your school’s channel lineup, you may experience problems with the channel guide lining up correctly on your TiVo device.  This will affect your ability to program your TiVo to record future programming.

Guided Setup for All Channels

  1. With TiVo unit powered “on” remove the Cable Card from the TiVo unit if available
  2. Press the “TiVo” button on the remote and arrow down to the “Read New Messages and Settings” tab, highlight and press “select”
  3. Arrow down to “Restart or Reset Setup” highlight and press “select”
  4. Arrow down to “Repeat Guided Setup” highlight and press “select”
  5. You will now receive a “Warning” and must press the thumbs down button “3 times”, then the “ENTER” button (not the select button)
  6. Now you will enter your five digit zip code, now press “select”
  7. Arrow down to “cable only”, highlight and press “select”
  8. You will receive a message “Cable Card”, arrow down to “continue” and press “select”
  9. Now you will set up your internet connection, choose internet or telephone (depending on your format) then press “select”
  10. Input your settings based upon your selection of the previous step
  11. “You will now connect to TIVO” press “select”
  12. After loading is complete, press “select”
  13. “Cable Provider” arrow down to your school, and press “select”
  14. “Premiums” arrow to “no” and press “select”
  15. “Your channels are now setup” press “select”
  16. “Network Connections” press select to “start”
  17. When download is complete, press “select”
  18. “Program Info Received” press “select”
  19. You will now receive a “Congratulations” message, press the “TiVo” button to resume normal function

Tuning Missing Digital /HD Channels

  1. Press the “TiVo” button on the remote
  2. Arrow to “Read New Messages and Settings” press “select”
  3. Arrow to “Settings” and press “select”
  4. Arrow to “Channels Select” and press “select”
  5. Arrow to “Channel Scan” and press “select”
  6. “Channel Scanning” Arrow to “Scan for Channels” and press “select”
  7. You will now receive a “warning” highlight “OK” and press “select”. (This step will take approximately 15-20 Min to complete)
  8. Once completed press “select”
  9. Arrow to “Add New Channel to Channel List” press “select”
  10. Arrow to “channel List” press “select”
  11. Arrow down through the list pressing “select” on all grayed out channels turning them yellow with a check mark. Go to the bottom of the list ensuring you have checked all grayed out channels
  12. Arrow to the right to “Done” and press “select”
  13. Now press the LIVE TV button. You have finished the programming process

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