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Emergency Hotline: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

Friends and family who experience an emergency and need to contact their son/daughter immediately should call the Immersion Experience Emergency Voicemail at:


They should leave a message describing the emergency situation, their name, the name of their son/daughter, and all necessary contact info. Immersion Experience staff (Campus Ministry) will respond to this message as soon as possible (within one hour) and help the parents/guardians get in contact with their son/daughter. The Emergency Voicemail is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please only use the Emergency Voicemail for true emergencies, where it is urgent and necessary for the student to be contacted before returning from his/her immersion experience. For non-emergency contact during the immersion experience: 216.397.4717 (during standard business hours) or via email at cministry@jcu.edu.

Questions can be directed to immersion@jcu.edu.