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Financial Assistance for Research

Decisions about financial assistance for research are made by the Committee on Research and Service at several specific points during the academic year depending on the time period in which applications are submitted: 1) between the beginning of the semester and October 15; 2) between October 16 and January 15 of the next calendar year; and 3) between January 16 and April 15. Applications for financial assistance submitted after April 15 will be considered only if funds are available and only if requests do not exceed $300.

There are two sections to this form. If you are requesting funds to support a current or upcoming research project, please answer the questions in Section A. If you are only requesting funds to support publication costs, please complete Section B.

Section A: Requests for current or upcoming research projects

Does your project involve human or animal subjects?

Do I need IRB or IACUC approval?

A project involving human or animal subjects must obtain approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), as appropriate, before the project can be undertaken. Please see the Research Compliance Administrator for more information.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Briefly (500 words or less) describe the project for which you are requesting funds. Be sure to make it clear why these funds are necessary for the success of the project. Include an itemized budget for your request.

Section B: Requests for publication costs

Faculty may request funds to support publication costs (up to $300 per year per faculty member). Multiple JCU faculty may be supported on the same publication, provided they have not received funding previously during the fiscal year. When requesting funds for publication costs, they following information must be included:聽

For journal publications, include a weblink from the journal describing or attesting to the journal's peer review process: