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Welcome to the home page of our Jesuit Community. We mostly work in education at and in parish life at . We invite you to explore these pages and learn about us: the people who form our community, our main house, a short description of the Jesuit order, links to further Jesuit sources, and information for overnight Jesuit guests.

Our People


Fr. James Bretzke, S.J.

Br. Matt W.

Br. Matt Wooters, S.J.

Fr Hyde

Fr. Greg Hyde, S.J.

Young priest with brown hair, short beard, and a black suit with a white collar

Fr. Lukas Laniauskas, SJ -Pastor


Fr.Bernard F. (Bernie) McAniff, S.J.

Fr. Norton

Fr. Bryan Y. Norton


Fr. Tom Pipp, S.J.

Fr Donald Serva

Fr. Don Serva, S.J.

Fr. Owens

Fr. Bernie Owens

Fr. Michael Vincent, S.J. (Gesu)
Fr. Michael Vincent, S.J. (Gesu)

The Fr. Dean Brackley, S.J., Endowment for Mission and Identitywas established in March 2012. This endowment will help us achieve the institutional goal of training more faculty and staff to help our students incorporate their immersion experiences into their lives. The training is meant to help students examine the challenging questions of faith that arise from these experiences. The scholarship is named in honor of Fr. Dean Brackley, S.J., (1946-2011), who volunteered in 1989 to leave his position at the New York Province of Jesuits and move to El Salvador to join the staff at the Jesuit University in El Salvador where faculty members, their housekeeper, and her daughter were slain by Salvadoran armed forces.

This gift from the Jesuit Community supports:

  • Retreats and programs for faculty and staff that articulate the Jesuit Catholic intellectual tradition as ecumenical, world-embracing, and imaginative in the presentations of religious values.
  • Campus Ministry and immersion experiences that will enable John Carroll students to participate in programs focused on faith-based social justice issues. Funds will support increased staff, education, and travel budgets.
  • Faculty-led service and immersion trips–both domestic and international–for more John Carrollstudents. Currently, 30 percent of JCU students are involved in service and immersion trips annually. The University hopes to expand program offerings so at least half of all undergraduates are able to participate in one or more immersion experience before graduation.

The Edmund Campion, S.J., Scholarship Fundis a quasi-endowment used to fund general scholarships (“University Scholarship”) for deserving students at 鶹. All undergraduate applicants to 鶹 are reviewed and considered for the University Scholarship, which is awarded to applicants who have strong academic records, an impressive leadership background, and/or a commitment to community service.

The scholarship is named for Edmund Campion (1540-1581), an English Roman Catholic martyr and Jesuit priest who led an underground ministry in Protestant England. He was arrested by priest hunters, convicted of high treason, and killed. Father Campion was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 and canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.

The Rev. Alberto Hurtado, S.J., Scholarship,formerly known as the Jesuit Community Minorities Scholarship Fund, was established in 1998 to provide funding for a minority student(s). In creating the fund, The rector of John Carroll’s Jesuit Community, Peter Fennessy, S.J., stated, “We hope this gift will advance the University’s goal of increasing the ethnic, racial, and socio-economic diversity of our campus.” In 2007, the JCU Jesuits re-named the fund in honor of Rev. Alberto Hurtado, S.J., (1901-1952),a Chilean Jesuit priest,lawyer, social worker, and writer. He was canonized in 2005, by Pope Benedict XVI,becoming Chile’s second saint.

The scholarshipcontinues to provide scholarships for minority students, including John Carroll Access Initiative students. If the University is unable to identify qualified minority students to receive these funds, they will be used to fund general scholarships awarded by the University.

The Matteo Ricci, S.J., Endowed Scholarshipis used to fund scholarships for international students. If the University is unable to identify qualified international students to receive these funds, they will first be used to fund minority scholarships or general scholarships. Thefund is named in honor of Rev. Matteo Ricci, S.J., (1552-1610) an Italian Jesuit priest, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the founders of the Jesuit China Mission in the late 1500s. Fr. Ricci was the first Western missionary ever invitedto the imperial court of the Wan-Li Emperor in Peking. When he died in 1610, Ricci left behind 2,500 Chinese Catholics.

The JCU Jesuit Community welcomes fellow Jesuits as guests. Please see our travel guidelines below.


We are in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland. Our Jesuit residence, Schell House, is at 2520 Miramar Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118.

if you are driving, here are two main ways to get here:

  1. Take Warrensville or Fairmount to their intersection at Fairmount Circle. Take North Park northeast, toward JCU; you’ll see the JCU tower sticking up from the middle of the Administration Building. At the stop sign and fork, bear left onto Milford. At the next stop sign, bear right into Miramar. We’re the sixth and largest house on the left, just beforeGesu Church.
  2. Or take Cedar to Miramar (turn left at the traffic light at Burger King). Go south on Miramar 3/4 of a mile. We’re the first house afterGesu Church.

We’re three miles west of I-271 (exit 32), five miles north of I-480 (Warrensville Road exit 25-B), and nine miles east of downtown Cleveland.If you drive, park your car in the Gesu Church parking lot next to Schell House and get a parking permit from us to put in your car.


Cleveland Hopkins Airport is on the west side, about 22 miles from us. The airport is a hub for Continental and Southwest – and also is served by Air Canada, American, Delta, Midwest, Northwest, United, and USAirways.

You can get here from the airport in about 40 minutes by taxi or rental car.. Follow signs to I-480 (about a mile), take I-480 east 16 miles to Warrensville Road exit 25-B, take Warrensville north 5 miles to Fairmount Circle, and then follow our directions above.

Or you can take therapid transit train from the airport. You have two options:

  • Get off downtown, at the Tower City station. Walk across to the other side of the station, use your transfer, and take the; get off at Warrensville. If you don’t have heavy baggage, it’s an easy 20-minute walk to our house; head north (left) to Fairmount Circle, and then followour local directions. If by mistake you take the Van Aken Blue Line, you’ll get off at another Warrensville station and have a 30-minute walk to our house.
  • Or you can stay on the Red Line through downtown and get off at University Circle, five miles from us. In this case, you have to arrange for a Jesuit to pick you up.

Bus or Train

Downtown Cleveland is served byand. You can get to us from downtown by public transportation or by taxi. If you need a taxi, you may have to phone for one, since they don’t normally cruise Cleveland streets looking for fares.

For public transportation, walk about a half mile to Terminal Tower (Tower City), on the Public Square; walk SOUTH if you arrived by train, or WEST if you arrived by bus. From inside the Terminal Tower, take theeast; get off at the Warrensville station. If you don’t have heavy baggage, it’s an easy 20-minute walk to our house; head north (left) to Fairmount Circle and then followour local directions. If by mistake you take the Van Aken Blue Line, then you can get off at another Warrensville stop and have a 30-minute walk to our house.

The Society of Jesus

As a Jesuit university, 鶹 draws upon the intellectual resources and educational experience of the Society of Jesus, which has operated colleges and universities for more than four centuries. Jesuits on the faculty and in the administration help impart the particular character and value of Jesuit education which makes 鶹 a unique institution in its region. A faculty of more than 250 men and women, religious and lay, share the educational enterprise of service to its students and the community.

In a Jesuit university, the presence of Jesuits and others who are inspired by the vision of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus in 1540, is of paramount importance. This vision, which reflects the value system of the Gospels, is expressed in the Spiritual Exercises, the source of Jesuit life and activity. To education, the Jesuit spirit brings:

  • a rationality appropriately balanced by human affection
  • an esteem for the individual as a unique person
  • training in discerning choice
  • openness to change
  • a quest for God’s greater glory in the use of this world’s goods.

University Mission and Identity

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