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You can seek help at the University by talking with a confidential resource, by reporting to a non-confidential but private resource, or by reporting to the Title IX Coordinator or a responsible employee.


On campus

There are confidential resources listed in this brochure that can provide you with support while allowing you the time and space you may need to process what has happened. These confidential resources can talk with you about your options and other available resources. Privileged and Confidential resources include on and off campus doctors, licensed counselors and ordained members of the clergy in a pastoral capacity.

Off Campus

  • 聽(216) 391-4357 (24-hour hotline)
  • (800) 799-7233
  • (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) (800) 656-4673
  • (216) 619-6192 (24 hour text/ hotline)
  • (800) 656-4673


If you wish to discuss sexual misconduct, but do not yet wish to initiate an investigation or other action by the University, you may seek advice from certain resources who are not required to initially share any personally identifiable information without your consent, unless there is a pattern of abuse or cause for fear of your safety or the safety of others. These individuals include any JCU staff member who works for the following: