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One of my favorite things about the Nonprofit Administration Program is the people. The connections that I have made, from my mentor, Dani Robbins, to my friends to professional contacts, are priceless. I feel like I received a dual education, one from the classes themselves and one from the people I was exposed to. I learned from my classmates, guest speakers, panelists, and volunteer opportunities.

I was talking with two of my classmates who knew that I was graduating this summer and they were asking me what some of my favorite projects and classes were. In my response, listing what I had done over the span of two years really drove home the value of this program. I've written MOU's and I learned the steps involved in a merger and have outlined the entire process. I’ve written program and public policy evaluations, developed entire marketing plans and put together a comprehensive ethics program. I took a deep dive into management and leadership best practices, and built a fund development strategy. The best part is that those projects are just scratching the surface of what I accomplished while in the NPA program. They also don’t cover the depth of personal growth I have experienced.

The program gave me so much more than a degree, it gave me practical experience, connections, and the understanding that I can do hard things. That is what being an unapologetic social justice leader is all about - taking your toolkit and getting out there, doing better because you know better, and sharing what you have learned with others through service.

-Charlotte Lewis, '20G
