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Elizabeth Stiles

Professor - Political Science

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B-Wing B33

Elizabeth Stiles Profile Picture

Dr. Elizabeth Stiles, MPA, PhD (Emory, 2002) is Professor of Political Science with expertise in social networks, mediating institutions (e.g. social movements and political parties) and program evaluation. She teaches undergraduate courses in Policy
Analysis, Data Science, Research Methods, Interest Groups and Political Parties. On the graduate level, she teaches Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation.

She is Co-Principal Investigator on an Americorps grant for $880,323 to $1 million renewable for up to 5 years to address social determinants of health (SDOH) and a Healthpath grant for $174,000 to combat addiction in southern Ohio. She has consulted on program evaluation at a number of health-oriented nonprofits including University Hospitals (UH), Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and InMotion, a center for people with Parkinson’s Disease. Her professional affiliations include the American Political Science Association (APSA) and the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA).

Dr. Stiles' published works include:

  • Stiles, E.A., Swearingen, C.D. and Seiter, L. Life of the Party:  Social Networks, Public Attention, and the Presidential Nomination Process.  Social Science Computer Review (SSCR), forthcoming.
  • Stiles, E. A., Jaffe, K. M., Schwartz, C. E., Rossi, B. M., & Riley, D. E. 2020.  Motor Performance and Quality of Life in a Community Exercise Program for Parkinson Disease. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 36(3), 166–169.  https://doi.org/10.1097/TGR.0000000000000276.
  • Stiles, E. A., Swearingen, C. D., Seiter, L., & Foreman, B. 2020. Catch Me if You Can: Using a Threshold Model to Simulate Support for Presidential Candidates in the Invisible Primary. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1),1.
  • Swearingen, Colin Douglas, Elizabeth Stiles, and Kate Finneran. 2019. “Here’s Looking at You: Public- Versus Elite-Driven Models of Presidential Primary Elections."  Social Science Quarterly 100(5): 1777-92.
  • Stiles, E.A. Swearingen, C.D. & Seiter, L.M. (2022).  Life of the Party:  Social Networks, Public attention, and the Importantance of Shocks in the Presidential Nomination Process.  Social Science Computer Review, 1-15.  https://doi.org//10.1177/08944393221074599


Ph.D., Emory University; M.P.A., North Carolina State University; B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill