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Sarah-Hagar Lecture Series: Hagar in Biblical Texts

Wednesday, April 23, 2025

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Sarah-Hagar Lecture Series: Hagar in Islam

Wednesday, May 7, 2025

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Hagar in Biblical Texts

Time/Zeit: 07:30 PM Berlin / 1:30 PM EST

Location:L1.201 (UPB) / LC Murphy Room (JCU)


Meeting-ID: 697 4459 4849

Passcode/Kenncode: 593983

Claudia D. Bergmann(Institut für Evangelische Theologie / ZeKK / Paderborn University):

“The Gendered Responseto a Child in Danger”

Claudia D. Bergmann is Professor for Biblical Studies at Paderborn University (Germany). Her most recent book is Festmahl ohne Ende: Apokalyptische Vorstellungen vom Speisen in der Kommenden Welt im antiken Judentum und ihre biblischen Wurzeln (Kohlhammer, 2019); her most recent coedited book (with Thomas R. Blanton IV) is entitled Imitating Abraham. Ritual and Exemplarity in Jewish and Christian Contexts (Brill, 2025). She currently studies the reception history of the biblical figure Hagar and the Qumran Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice.

Dr. Bergmann’s presentation investigates how male and female personae in the Hebrew Bible respond to danger that threatens their children or children in their care. It shows that biblical writers attributed certain behavior to either men and women in order to invoke a certain response in the reading or listening audience helping them to identify with caretakers and/or children in danger.

Thomas R. Blanton IV (Theology and Religious Studies / 鶹):

“Sarah as Exemplar of Domestic Subordination: On the Sociopolitics of Scriptural Interpretation in

1 Peter 3:1–7”

Thomas R. Blanton IV is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at 鶹. He is the coeditor, with Claudia D. Bergmann, ofImitating Abraham: Ritual and Exemplarity inJewish and Christian Contexts(Brill, 2025), and is in the process of writingThe Circumcision of Abraham: Modeling Ritual from Genesis to the Letters of Paulforthe Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library. His research focuses of economic issues in the Pauline epistles and early “Christianity” in its Judean and Greco-Roman contexts.

Dr. Blanton's presentationanalyzes the creative reinterpretation of Gen 18:12 involved in 1 Peter 3:1–7, where the biblical figure of Sarah is adduced as a model exemplifying the domestic subordination of wives to their husbands; and proposes that sociologist of religion Staf Hellemans’s “processing approach,” combined with an analysis of the sociopolitical and economic investments of “religious” interpreters, could be useful for dialogues aiming to promote interreligious understanding.

Hagar in Islam

Time/Zeit: 07:30 PM Berlin / 1:30 PM EST

Location:L1.201 (UPB) / LC Murphy Room (JCU)


Meeting-ID: 673 1612 0012

Passcode/Kenncode: 365205

Zishan Ghaffar(Paderborn University / ZeKK):

“Sarah and Hagar in the Qur’an”

Semiha Topal(鶹 /Tuohy Center for Interreligious Understanding):

“Islamic Feminists Reimagining Sarah and Hagar”