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Empowering you to become a better teacher

The TRS Certificate in Theological Education (CTE) is designed to fit the particular needs of teachers in Catholic high schools. The course of studies builds on the U.S. Catholic Bishops high-school curriculum framework, allowing students to explore both the content of coursework they might be expected to teach and also pedagogical strategies and approaches effective with adolescents and young adults.

You will read classic texts from the tradition, discuss ideas with other teachers, create new lesson plans, and develop practical projects that you can take directly into the classroom. A flexible distance-learning model allows you to participate in once-a-week classes on campus or online.

Program Benefits

  • John Carroll’s distinguished faculty in Theology & Religious Studies offers a solid foundation in the Catholic theological tradition combined with an interreligious openness characteristic of the diverse students we all teach.
  • Program combines theological rigor and practical pedagogy, with assignments and projects designed for implementation in the classroom.
  • Certificate complements catechist preparation in the Diocese of Cleveland by providing more in-depth formation.
  • All courses taken toward the Certificate (15 credit hours) can also be applied directly to the M.A. Degree in Theology & Religious Studies.
  • Participants choose whether to attend class at John Carroll or participate remotely through video conference. If distance is an issue, the Certificate can be completed entirely online.

CTE Admission Requirements

Applicants to the CTE Program are required to submit the following:

  • Application form
  • Official transcripts of all university-level studies

CTE Program Requirements

This Certificate requires 15 credit hours of 400- and 500-level coursework. The basic program comprises 5 Core Courses:

  • TRS 400 Scripture & Revelation
  • TRS 532 Christ & The Paschal Mystery
  • TRS 534 Church and Sacrament
  • TRS 560 Catholic Moral Theology
  • TRS 581 Teaching Theology & Religious Studies*
    *TRS 581 is required for this certificate

If a student has prior work in one or more of the first four core areas, up to two graduate-level TRS electives may be substituted for those requirements.